
Urs Seiler
January 14, 2019

Rail operators are evolving their networks to ensure safety and security, and deliver the best possible experience for their passengers.

Improved connectivity is enabling rail systems to evolve to meet the needs of a world on the move. Whether it’s bringing Wi-Fi to passengers on the New York City subway, 或者连接圣哥达海底隧道, rail networks are undergoing tremendous transformation.


IP connectivity and the Internet of Things (IoT) are creating a multitude of new opportunities in the rail industry. Sensors deliver real-time information to applications, which can provide operators with live information feeds, and passengers with up-to-the-minute travel updates.

Analytics gleaned from IoT device data can provide insight for transportation operators. For example, data from location-based services (LBS) can reveal information about passenger traffic patterns and staff whereabouts on the train, or at the station. And, while real-time data from IoT devices can flag travel problems before they cause delays or accidents, implementing predictive maintenance for rolling stock or track-switches is perhaps one of the most important developments to improve safety and reduce operational costs.

One network

As rail and metro communications networks move towards IP/Ethernet, rail network operators are assessing how best to deploy the infrastructure to deliver the connectivity required to provide an improved passenger experience.

Rail passengers waiting on a platform for blog post

A single, unified IP network infrastructure for most systems, 实现人与人之间更好的连接, 智能“事物”和流程. A converged mission-critical architecture can reduce the number of networks that need to be supported and can dramatically simplify network command and control requirements. 整合开放平台, 比如基于云的应用程序, into the operations control center can also accelerate day-to-day operations.


连接热潮, and the growing number of entry points and devices to protect, 给IT团队带来了真正的挑战. Like all businesses, railways are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. These attacks can cut off access to commercial and business applications, 泄露乘客信息, 并将铁路运营置于危险之中.

While it is nearly impossible to manage all of the different devices in individual subsystems, a converged network that integrates subsystems can limit the potential impact and reduce the risk of a threat becoming a much bigger problem.

帮助管理网络攻击的威胁, network segmentation lets operators create virtual isolated environments on a single network. 这些数据流量容器, 称为物联网容器, 将常用的设备组合在一起, 只有一组选定的用户和服务器, can interface. 如果我们以IP安全摄像头为例, 安装在车站内外的摄像头, 在操作设施中, 或者在铁轨边, would be relegated to their own virtual container. They would only be able to interface with the server that controls them, and they would only be accessible by authorized security staff.

物联网控制, 如果一个集装箱出现安全漏洞, the attack cannot infiltrate other areas of the network. This security strategy minimizes threats without adding the cost or complexity of operating separate networks.


A smart infrastructure will be required to manage the transformation of operations, 改善客运服务. As new technologies are deployed at the edge of the network daily operations will become faster and less expensive. Power over Ethernet will encourage device and sensor installation and simplify things, as it eliminates the need for wiring in difficult places, making it easier for rail operators to extend their digital reach.

随着网络的融合, lower costs, easier rollout, improved security and a better passenger experience will all become a reality.

看看我们的信息图,“在轨道上: Connectivity and control at the center of rail’s future’, to gain insights on where the 21st century transportation industry is headed.

Urs Seiler

Urs Seiler

销售工程师ALE, z rich瑞士

Urs joined the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise team in 2007. As a technical sales expert, he assisted in advancing data sales in the Swiss marketplace. Today, Urs continues to provide his expertise in the Transportation industry as a Sales Engineer focused on the rail segment. Urs has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and an Executive Master of Business Engineering.

About the author

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